Journeys of empowerment, resilience, and unprecedented growth –
Real People, Real Transformations, Real Success.



I've worked with numerous coaches and managers throughout my career, and I've found that the best ones meet you where you're at, determine where you want to go, and guide you along the way. And, Macy is one of the best. She has helped me grow both personally and professionally, and I've been able to recognize certain behaviors and tendencies about myself that I wouldn't have realized on my own. Macy is an incredible listener and genuinely cares about your success. She'll guide you, challenge you, and help you become the best version of yourself. 

Rachel  Cox

Lauren Papp

Macy Knoble is a powerful coach. She's built a successful business WHILE being a present mother of two young girls and she's coached dozens of other entrepreneurs to do the same; helping them to find balance and joy in everyday life (whether that's as a mom, a dad, or an empty nester) WHILE growing their business. She has a special ability to connect with people, make them both feel seen and heard, while challenging their thinking. Her clients rave about her and there's a reason for it. She helps them show up as their best self which not only creates exponential growth financially for them, but changes who they are as a person. If you have the chance to be coached by Macy, I would take advantage of it. 

Jason Hietrbink

I'm the owner of Unfair Advantage Marketing, LLC., which is a full-service marketing company based in Lancaster, PA. Three years ago, when I started working with Macy Knoble as my coach, Unfair Advantage Marketing wasn't even a thought in my mind. During that time Macy helped me expand my existing business to five times the revenue, while helping to build my confidence that my business ideas were good ones. It wasn’t always roses and sunshine, of course, but through the ups and downs, Macy stayed as steady as the Northern Star. 

A few minutes before one of our coaching sessions, I realized that I had renewals coming up that I thought I had 6 weeks to complete. It turned out that I had a little over a week to complete the renewals or lose $8000 in monthly income. For most of our session that day we sat in almost complete silence as I was processing the fear, doubt, and grief of the situation. At the end of the session, Macy said, “You know what to do, right.” I said “Yes.” Ten days later I had either renewed or replaced all of the monthly revenue and moved into momentum in my business. The level of emotional intelligence that is took for Macy to successfully coach me through that session still astonishes me to this day.

Beyond that, in our sessions over time, Macy help me lock down large and small ideas and philosophies that over time were synthesized together to form our business as it stands today. Please note that I didn’t say that Macy gave me all of the answers as that is not the function of a coach. She has been a dedicated listener for my business and my life. She creates an environment of discovery and gives you the questions and the room that you need to figure “it” out. I invite you to consider trusting Macy to help you do what is most important to you in your life. If you work with her, with no resistance in your heart, you will find a way a pathway to the future of your dreams.

Robert Gallagher

I have had the opportunity to observe Amanda Kirkpatrick for many years. In my humble opinion there aren’t many better at listening, encouraging and guiding people to their full potential. She is patient and understanding and mixes that seamlessly with encouragement and a challenging spirit. I would recommend Amanda Kirkpatrick for any leadership coaching and facilitation experiences. She is amazing and time with her is well worth it.

Mike Maletich

Having Macy as my coach for the past two years has truly been a transformative journey! Not only has she provided me with invaluable business expertise and insight, but her genuine care for nurturing the whole person shines through in every interaction. Macy has helped me become a better business owner, manager, salesman, and overall person. She has a remarkable ability to relate to me personally while understanding the unique business challenges and my goals. Thanks to her knowledge and support, I've not only seen growth in my business but also in myself. 

When my husband decided to join the team, Macy also coached him and helped us figure out how to function as a unit. She took the burden off of me by training him when I couldn't (or didn't want to!). She really came through during those challenging moments of navigating my new business partner/spouse, lending a hand whenever things got tough, and together, we managed to overcome the hurdles and flip the script on the situation. If you're seeking a coach who truly invests in your success on every level, look no further than Macy. She's your girl!

MaryBeth & Jared Hoss

Amanda has coached me through the highs and lows of owning my own business. It because of her that I have grown my business each year and am looking to expand Into next year. I cherish the advice and support that she has given me. Thank you Amanda for being the best mentor a person can ask for.

Maria Mears

Amanda has coached me through the highs and lows of owning my own business. It because of her that I have grown my business each year and am looking to expand
Into next year. I cherish the advice and support that she has given me. Thank you Amanda for being the best mentor a person can ask for.

Maria Mears

I have been working with Amanda for three years now, and I anticipate there to be no time in my career that she will cease being an integral part of my team. She has played a part in every growth challenge I’ve experienced during our time together - asking the hard questions, hearing me when I need to be heard, and walking along side me during journeys outside my comfort zone. My business has profited far more than I ever imagined before having met her, and I’m a better person, as well as a business owner, with her support.