In 2001, I started my entrepreneurial journey with grand ambitions, only to learn quickly that success requires effort, time, and skills. Growing up in a blue-collar family, I inherited a strong work ethic and resilience that shaped my character.

In 2006, I opened a District office, handpicking and nurturing a team of sales representatives from scratch. My knack for hiring and resolving conflicts soon became evident, as I view challenges as opportunities for growth.

With four successful businesses and a Division Manager role, I've honed my skills in sales, psychology, and trust-building. I've generated millions in sales, mentored numerous leaders, and conducted over 5000 coaching calls.

My passion lies in helping people and organizations thrive. Whether it's doubling income or finding more presence in life, I guide clients with grace and authenticity.

On a personal note, I cherish my roles as a wife and mother to three lively kiddos. Family time fuels me, reminding me of life's joys and the importance of making a positive impact.

Founder & CEO






In 2022 my word for the year was bloom, and damn, did I. I was making an income beyond what I could EVER believe was possible. Well beyond - I had at that point '10-xed' the monthly income I was making from my previous job. I was in two coaching roles within my company. I was having incredible growth with my mentees. I launched a second franchise. Let me tell you, I bloomed.

That year alone, we went on 10 vacations. I fulfilled a crazy dream of becoming a Disney passholder, and took my daughters to Disney 5 times that in that year alone. Like crazy 'let's get on a plane this weekend' kind of trips. We finished our attic. We were able to afford a pool and beautiful landscaping. We were investing (wild.) We were doing so well. Like, I really did it. I was completely winning in the work space.

So why was I so unhappy? It was like all the joy was just sucked out of me. I was so invested in the idea that constant work = productivity. That I needed to say 'yes.' That my name needed to be on the lists. That I needed to be liked.

And all it did was rob my family. See, success to me isn't about money - it's about knowing my life is full of abundance. It's presence. It's a peaceful mind and BELIEVING in who I am (fun fact, believe was my 2023 word.) It's about not needing external validation, or your worth tied up in your work.

It's about having the whole picture be in focus. Everything balanced. Whether we like it or not, work affects life, and life affects work. How can you become more efficient and effective at work, so you can be fully engaged while at home? Or better yet, why NOT have more time with your family AND have the opportunity to make more money?

The greatest gift I ever gave myself was the gift of transformation - the gift of growth. The gift of reevaluation and reprioritizing. The gift of presence and never, ever missing time with my family AND making more money. The gift of a quality, meaningful life.

Let me help you, too.

Services Offered

Business Scaling and Strategy
Sales Training and Development
Conflict Resolution and Team Building
Leadership and Management Coaching
Personal Development and Work-Life Balance

Forage beard banjo ethical, Etsy before they sold out tattooed High Life. Cardigan locavore paleo, gastropub pickled ennui quinoa 3 wolf moon selvage. Food truck Neutra aesthetic Godard, Likes: Portland fap whatever 8-bit squid American Apparel. Blog Shoreditch 3 wolf moon ugh craft beer. Flexitarian pug wolf VHS. Pitchfork bicycle rights synth flexitarian try-hard. Dislikes: Banjo flexitarian raw denim wolf. Skateboard locavore scenester Tumblr Etsy meggings. Viral brunc. 

Founder & CEO

Ally Mason


more reviews

"I've known Macy and Amanda for over 8 years now and these two women are incredibly dynamic coaches. Whether you're an Executive looking to level up your leadership team and create a healthier culture within your organization or an entrepreneur of a small/mid-sized business - Macy and Amanda have both the skill and the experience to help you move from where you are to where you want to go - and they help you do so without sacrificing what's most important to you." - Jason H.

"Macy help me lock down large and small ideas and philosophies that over time were synthesized together to form our business as it stands today. Please note that I didn’t say that Macy gave me all of the answers as that is not the function of a coach. She has been a dedicated listener for my business and my life. She creates an environment of discovery and gives you the questions and the room that you need to figure “it” out. I invite you to consider trusting Macy to help you do what is most important to you in your life. If you work with her, with no resistance in your heart, you will find a way a pathway to the future of your dreams." - Robert G.

"I have been working with Amanda for three years now, and I anticipate there to be no time in my career that she will cease being an integral part of my team. She has played a part in every growth challenge I’ve experienced during our time together - asking the hard questions, hearing me when I need to be heard, and walking along side me during journeys outside my comfort zone. My business has profited far more than I ever imagined before having met her, and I’m a better person, as well as a business owner, with her support." - Lauren P.

"I have coached with MANY different coaches, and have been a coach myself. Macy Knoble is my current coach and she is nothing short of amazing. Her energy, positive outlook, constructive guidance, emotional intelligence, real life wisdom and connectivity is something that everyone  should experience. My relationship with her keeps me going and grounded." - Jen A.

"I have had the opportunity to observe Amanda Kirkpatrick for many years. In my humble opinion there aren’t many better at listening, encouraging and guiding people to their full potential. She is patient and understanding and mixes that seamlessly with encouragement and a challenging spirit. I would recommend Amanda Kirkpatrick for any leadership coaching and facilitation experiences. She is amazing and time with her is well worth it." - Mike M.

"It's the reason why I've been able to break through so many hurdles as a business owner with her; Macy has a gift for turning honest conversations into tangible steps forward for me to bring to my business and my life." - Caroline T.

"I've found that the best coaches meet you where you're at, determine where you want to go, and guide you along the way. And, Macy is one of the best. She has helped me grow both personally and professionally, and I've been able to recognize certain behaviors and tendencies about myself that I wouldn't have realized on my own." - Rachel C.


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